Red Cross Old Fashioned Macaroni And Cheese

Easy Recipe Finder

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1 (7 oz) or 1/2 of a (1 pound) pkg Red Cross

Elbow Macaroni (2 cups uncooked)
3 tablespoons butter or margarine
2 tablespoons finely chopped onion
2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon pepper
2 cups milk
3 cups shredded American cheese
1 tablespoon buttered breadcrumbs

Prepare Red Cross Elbow Macaroni according to package directions;drain.

In large saucepan, melt butter. Add onion, cook until tender. Stir in flour, salt and pepper. Blend in milk. Cook, stirring constantly, until thickened and bubbly. Add cheese, stir until melted.

Combine macaroni and cheese mixture, mix well. Pour in buttered 2-quart casserole. Top with breadcrumbs.

Bake in a 350 degree F oven until hot and bubbly, about 30 minutes. Garnish as desired. Refrigerate leftovers.

Makes 4 to 6 servings.

Source: Red Cross Macaroni ad,
Kentucky New Era newspaper, Dec 12, 1990