
Staff member
3/8 cup/40g/1 ½ oz plain untreated flour
3/8 cup/40g/1½ oz wholewheat flour
pinch salt
1 egg
2/3 cup/150ml/5fl oz milk
1 tbsp/15ml melted butter

2 cups/450g/1 lb curd or cottage cheese
2 tbsp/30ml cream
1 fat clove garlic, crushed
2 tbsp/30ml finely chopped fresh herbs
1 tbsp/15ml chopped spring onion
Serves 3-4
1-To make the pancake batter, sift the flour and salt into a bowl. Make a well in the middle of it
and add the egg. Gradually beat in the milk. When half of the milk has been added, beat in the
melted butter. Continue beating in the milk until you have a thin batter. Allow the batter to stand
for half an hour.

2-Meanwhile, prepare the filling. Combine the curd cheese with the rest of the ingredients and
mix well.

3-To make the pancakes, oil a heavy- bottomed frying pan 7in/18cm in diameter. Place it on the
flame and when it is very hot, add 2 tbsp/30rnl of the batter. Tilt the pan so that the batter covers
the base. Cook until the pancake is beginning to brown on the underside and then turn over and
cook the top. You may have to throw the first pancake away, as it will absorb the excess oil in
the pan.

4-Continue making pancakes, keeping them warrn, until all the batter is used up. Divide the
filling between them, rolling the pancakes around it into a cigar shape. Arrange the stuffed
pancakes in an ovenproof dish and heat in a moderate oven for about 1 ½ minutes.