What are the chances of having miscarriage after 12 weeks?


New member
Im 13 weeks 2day and just want to know what are the chances of miscarriage happening since im past first trimester?Im young and healthy so are the chances slim?
Yes its a much slimmer chance now..You more than likely will be fine! Don't worry! Congrats and your bundle of joy will be here in no time!!!
VERY slim. Chances drop dramatically once you hit 13 weeks.I'm 12w5d (ten days more than I thought according to ultrasound), and I'm happy about that because I had a tubal in December. But I saw baby yesterday, and the little acrobat is healthy and where its suppose to be. Heart is beating, and it's just a-flippin everywhere in there. Its amazing that baby can be moving THAT much and we can't even feel it yet....GL!!
Well sweetie focus on more positive things. Its easier to get yourself worried(like me) but hey enjoy your pregnancy and pray more.
I think it drops to like 1 or 2% after the 13th week. But it is significantly less for sure. It still can happen but is a lot less likely.