What are the chances of miscarriage when you have morning sickness?


New member
I just found out that I'm pregnant, and I'm so excited about it. I'm worried about the risk of miscarriage though. I'm 24, healthy, don't smoke, eat well, and exercise. I have really bad all day sickness (not just mornings), what are the chances of miscarriage?


New member
well i think its just maybe your eating some thing.or you could be sick all day and it doesnt mean anything!maybe the flu?check that out with the doctor.


New member
Just like anyone elses. Dont stess about it, stress is bad on your body. If its going to happen there isnt anything you can do about it and it was just something that was meant to happen.I had a healthy perfect first pregnancy with no morning sickness, 2yrs after that I had a pregnancy with very little morning sickness which ended in m/c, 2 months after that I was pregnant with my son who gave me severe morning sickness. best of luck and congrats on the pregnancy!

peas in a pod

New member
Just because your sick does not mean you are going to loose the baby. If you start bleeding heavily with sever cramp then you need to worry. I am sure you you will be fine


New member
I understand your worry! I have had several mc and have 2 healthy babies and am pregnant now. the reason that you are sick is your hcg and progestrone levels are high... You should be ok, but contact your ob for zofran or phenegran for some help with your sickness. Congrats!!!


New member
My sister had all day morning sickness through her WHOLE pregnancy... I don't think it is possible. But my boyfriends mom pee'd out her baby.

Erin B

New member
Very slim. Let morning sickness give you peace of mind. If anything would happen all symptoms stop almost immediatly. When my sister lost her baby it only took one day for her to lose all her sypmtoms.


New member
statics show that every 1 in 3 pregnancies end in miscarriage! it seems like a lot, but it really isn't because many women who have a miscarriage, don't even know they are pregnant! any woman can have a miscarriage unfortunately, even if you are healthy, it is possible.i had all day nausea for the first 3 months, but didn't get morning sickness until 9-10 weeks pregnant! after they first trimester, the chance of a miscarriage goes down to 3%. so that means that 3% pregnancies after 13 weeks end in a miscarrige, which is really sad too. but your chances greatly decrease!don't get yourself all workup about having a miscarriage, it is not good for you to stress out (although it is our motherly insinct to worry). i had a miscarriage 2 years ago, it was hard, but now i am 15 weeks pregnant!!if you ever have any problem with your pregnancy such as uncontrolable cramping (although it is very common), bleeding or leaking amonitc fluid, go see the doctor immetidly!otherwise just relax and ENJOY being pregnant!


New member
I had all day sickness as well - thank goodness it lasted just under 3 months. - Anyway, the doctor said that morning sickness is a sign of a healthy/strong implantation. So be glad to feel so bad. (as long as you are not suffering from dehydration and can get some food down - if that is the case, call the dr.)