What is the chance fruit and vegetables from my garden may have contracted salmonella from turtles I maintain in the backyard?


New member
I keep my turtles inside a pen side-by-side my vegetable garden plants and have not worried about the chance of getting sick right before latest jalapeno scare.
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Could vegetables from my home garden become infected with salmonella from turtles that I keep in the backyard?

You state, "Change?" In the event that they're water turtles plus you have given them raw meat or chicken that had been have in contract the bacterias you can find potential of infection. If they defecate in garden soil and their stool is contaminated the ability of infection is high. Or in the event that there may be run-off water from their swimming waters the opportunity is there. Or if you use their swimming water (really their lavatory) to water your garden the chance is high. In the event that there may be CONTAMINATION from Salmonella. If you happen to have land turtles in pens and you're providing fruits, vegetables and whatever bugs/worms the potential likelihood is very unlikely which I wouldn't be concerned.
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