Is There Hypnosis For Better Organizational Skills?

american girl

New member
Ok ladies and gents... I have a hard time keeping a tidy house. While I'm no pig (you can still see the floor, but there tends to be clean, unfolded laundry sitting around, or the dishes sometimes go dirty after dinner, I don't dust a whole lot, ect.) I have a really difficult problem keeping my house as neat as I would like it to be. I have two small kids and I am expected to cook two to three times daily. See, I don't think my problem is with cleaning per se. But I just don't have a lot of self discipline. I don't like to get off my duff, even tho I want to.So I was watching TLC channel the other day, and there was an organizational hypnotherapist. Has anyone heard of this, and does it work? What are the other options to developing the self discipline so that I can have a daily cleaning schedule?All tips welcome!!
Hypnosis is a strange thing. If you believe it will help you... You are Right.... if you do not believe it will help you.... Your are Right again.
If you find out, let me know. Until then, try contacting Messies Anonymous online. It's a group of individuals who lack self discipline to clean (I'm a member and it really does work). They'll motivate you to clean, as well as give you hints on how to clean effectively.