ABSOLUTELY everything in this world is about money. Am I the only one who realizes this?


New member
Hospitals: do not exist to help people. They exist to make MONEY on expensive procedures, equipment and supplies."not-for-profit-charities": exist to recruit those who are 'needy' to prove their program is worthy of the most government MONEY they can obtainMarriages: exist to lock the other person down to have the security of having MONEY to maintain their lifestylePolice and public safety outlets exist: so the government will grant them MONEY to continue to run.Food banks: exist so they can submit paperwork to government agencies to obtain the most MONEY to runIs there anything in this world that does not revolve around money? Any one thing? Any thing? Just one thing???
No I believe that too everything is about it no matter where you look. its pretty sad to be honest lol.x
acually a college proved 95% of what people do is for sex, money probly goes with it so you can but a girl a nice drink and stuff, but money is really important for all sorts of things.
the one thing....pure love....but what is that exactly i dont know....but i feel you pain...in life you need a MONEY.to get money you need a good paying JOB.to get a job you need to go to COLLEGEwhich iltimately costs MONEY to begin with..and sure...you can take out a loan, but what good does that do....interest would accumulate and then your grandkids will be paying it off...so....i know what you mean.
No, your not the only person who realises this, money is only paper and copper and its only worth what we as humans think its worth
Everything is based on paper. Our economy is a profit-based economy. Its only worried about money . human care or rather human love is also misunderstood as the only subject of invaluability. Love is valued to cash. Love revolves around comfartability and financial stability. Our world is corrupted. It isnt a measure of health to be adjusted to a profoundly sick society. We need a new world. A new world that has no money. a new world that has no politics. a new world with no problems. A new world with a new economy. A RESOURCE-based economy . WE HAVE INFINITE RESOURCES, but the energy companies do not reveal that so that they can make MONEY! its all about the paper. All about invaluable overstated over hyped money. Money alone is practically non existent as itself has no value. MAN PUTS VALUE TO MONEY FOR THE PROFIT OF SELF-CENTERED LIFE, You are not the only one to realize it. A group of people do. A group whom are enlightened. We can call ourself novus illuminati,
Lawdy, money makes the world go round dammit!I mean, that's the way we, as a society, have made the world. Kind of sucks really.But there's SOME things that don't revolve around money, like personal things that just make you happy :D Like dancing around like an idiot is GOOD fun, and nowt to do with money :D
While it is true that greed is rampant in our society, it would be nonsensical to think that any organization or person could function without money.This question is a bit confusing to me because it seems to address organizations on the one hand, then it goes on to criticize marriage and various undefined "things" on the other hand. Certainly most, perhaps all, organizations have a profit motive behind them. However, tthere are many things that do not necessarily revolve around money, such as:The love between a mother and her baby; the tears of an old man weeping for his deceased wife; the prayer for world peace; the love of a dog for its master; the joy of a teenager who finally masters a stunt on his or her skateboard; and my own attempt to answer this question, since I do not get paid for this (but frankly, I would not complain if I did).
$ talks loud in the USA, but only whispers, in some places. There are still places in the world where money means nothing, such as with the Himba, in Africa, and tribes in the Amazon, and some Australian aboriginal traditional tribal communities, and islands; I suggest that you visit them.