Any tips on cleaning a room with piles and piles of the randomest stuff?


New member
My room is a disaster and i really want to clean it. My parents say if it is clean i can redecorate and they will pay. any tips.
Have 3 boxes or trash bags label them KEEP, DONATE, and THROW AWAY. Try to have more in the last two boxes. Then put everything kept in its place. Good luck.
Get a couple bags, one for garbage and another for things you donn't want anymore. Then start at one corner of your room. Make piles, one for papers you want to keep, dirty laundry, clothes that go in dresser, clothes that go in the closet, brushes and other things that belong in a drawer and stuff that belongs in another room. Take all the things that belong in other rooms and go put them away. Take dirty laundry to hamper, put all your other clothes away. Vacuum and make your bed. Voila!! You room is clean. This is what I do. It makes it easier to sort all your stuff then put it away. It makes it a little less intimidating. Hope this helps!