Anyone have any good tips for cleaning the frames of your glasses?

LaDy In ReD

New member
The arms of my glasses (right in the corner where the arms join and theres screws and stuff) look a little groty and was wondering if anyone had any tips as to how to clean the hard to reach places with out damaging them any.thanks in advance guys! BEYE
Use rubbing alcohol and a soft cloth. For the corners I dip a q-tip in rubbing alcohol and get it that way.
Use a small or child size old or new Toothbrush and small amount of Baking Soda made into a paste with small amount of Dishwashing Liquid or mild Liquid Soap Gently brush the frame then rinse with warm water and dry with a soft clean cloth Good Luck !
If you have an Ultra Sonic jewelry cleaner use it. Dish soap is the next best thing with the dental pick that have the little brush on one end.
an old toothbrush and a little tooth paste (not gel) or mild bar soap without moisturizer. Then, once dry, put clear fingernail polish on it and let it dry, that helps keep the dirt out. (And for those who turn green, it prevents that.)
I have wire frames and soak them in a container with a polident tablet occasionally to get off the black stuff that accumulates especially in hot weather.