Easy Recipe Finder

Recipe Feeder
5 lb/ 2 kg apples
12 whole cloves
4 pt/ 2 lr/ 8 cups water
4 lb/2 kg/ 8 cups sugar

Wash and quarter the apples. There is no need to peel or core them. Place in an ovenproof dish and add water. Cover, with aluminium foil if necessary. Cook overnight at the bottom of the oven, gas mark l/2, 225°F, 110°C. Next day strain through a jelly bag or a clean, white pillow case - do not squeeze! Measure the liquid into a large saucepan and for every cupful add a cupful of sugar. Heat to dissolve the sugar and bring to the boil for about 10 minutes or until a little of the mixture gels on a cold saucer. Be careful here, as over-boiling will produce a syrup which will just get thicker without setting. Pour into jars which have been warmed in the oven and cover with waxed discs and lids.