Easy Recipe Finder

Recipe Feeder
3 C. Blueberries
1 1/2 C. Sugar
1 t. Lemon Juice
1 T. Butter
3 T. Butter
4 T. Sugar
1 Egg
1/2 t. Vanilla
1 1/2 C. Flour
2 t. Baking Powder
1/2 t. Salt

Wash and gently strain berries. Continue with sugar and lemon juice in a saucepan. Cook gently for 10 to 15 minutes or until mixture begins to boil. If mixture is not juicy enough, gently crush berries. If necessary, thicken syrup with a little cornstarch. Butter the bottom of 9x9 pan and pout berries in.

For batter, cream butter with sugar. Beat in egg and vanilla. Sift remaining ingredients and beat into batter. Spoon over berries and bake at 350° for 25-30 minutes.