Can you get chickenpox by being with a person who has it?


New member
I'm 13, and I've never had chickenpox before. I was wondering if you can get it if you are in contact with someone who already has chickenpox.

Terry J

New member
if you have had chickenpox before you are immune to getting it again because the antibodies have built up immunity against it but if you have never had it before you can get it very easily by being around a person who has it dont take the chance and its important that you have the vaccination against it if you dont want it thats another way to have immunity against it is the vaccination if you dont have the vaccination and you havent had before get the heck away from the person who has it because its highly contagious and you can very easily get it from being in the same room as the person.


New member
Because you have never had chicken pox before the answer to your question is yes. Chicken pox are very contagious unless you have had them before then you become immune to them. If by any chance you do catch them go to your local drug store (Walgreen's,CVC Pharmacy, or even Walmart) and get some pink calamine lotion take baths in it and rub it on you once you begin to itch.