Easy Recipe Finder

Recipe Feeder
2 Whole Lemon
2 Lime
4 Whole Orange
3 Apples
1 Container Strawberries
1 Bottle Wine
Juice Orange Juice
To Taste Brandy

Slice lemons, limes, oranges, and apples into thin slices, leaving
the skin on. Put them into a large pitcher. (You may need two
pitchers) Dump defrosted strawberries on top of the rest of the
fruit. Pour the wine into the pitcher, so that it covers the fruit.
Cover, and put in the fridge to marinate for a minimum of 4 hours.
After the fruit has marinated, stir in orange juice and brandy to
taste, depending on how strong you wish the sangria to be. If it is
bitter, add sugar to taste. I usually do, then again, I like everything
sweet. Serve in large clear glasses with the fruit in the glass.
People are expected to put their fingers in and eat the fruit as
they drink the wine. This is not a high society drink. Several
glasses and you will not care anyway.