Finale of Mountain Raspberry

Easy Recipe Finder

Recipe Feeder
Raspberry Cream
Short Dough
Beehive Cookies
Raspberry Sauce
Passion Sauce

48 raspberries
kirsch, to taste
water, to taste
3/4 oz. tempered chocolate
chocolate ganache, as needed


Combine first 3 ingredients (raspberries, kirsch and water); marinate to desired strength. Place tempered chocolate in pastry bag; pipe onto parchment to create desired ornaments. Place short cookie dough on plate. Unmold raspberry cream; place on short dough. Top with beehive cookie; fill center of beehive cookie with 8 marinated raspberries. Place chocolate ganache in pastry bag; pipe desired border on plate. Place raspberry sauce and passion sauce in pastry bags; pipe inside ganache border.


Season: Year round
Food cost: Moderate