Easy Recipe Finder

Recipe Feeder
3/4 c sugar 2 1/2 c flour
1/3 ts salt 1 ts baking soda
1 ea egg 3/4 c buttermilk
1 ts vanilla 1 c powdered sugar
1 tb lard or butter
12 servings
Beat sugar, salt and egg together. Add vanilla and fat, and cream
into sugar. In a separate bowl, combine flour, soda and buttermilk.
Stir two mixtures together. Place on floured surface and flatten to
1/4-inch. Cut into 4-inch rounds and cut out 1-inch centers.
Drop into hot oil in a skillet, and brown on each side. Drain on
paper towels. Coat warm donuts with powdered sugar, if desired.
Makes 1 batch.