Has anyone ever glued new formica to existing kitchen formica countertops? Got Tips...?

I haven't but I don't suggest it. Throughout the years, the glue that holds the formica to the cabinets disintegrates causing it to fall off. If you glue more formica on top of it, when the glue from the old formica disintegrates, both layers will come off. Not a good idea.
I've never done it but it seems possible..Your going to use contact cement to glue to piece to the original top.. keep in mind you need to put contact cement on the bottom of the new piece and on top of the old... Also, as a suggestion.. You may want to use a rough sandpaper to roughen up your orig top first to give the cement something to adhere to... Make sure you measure the new pieces a little bigger along the edges or the original.. this way you can go back with yur laminate bit and router off the edge easily later.. (just a thought)..
I have done it several times. The key is whether or not the old plastic laminate is still in good shape and bonding to the countertop. If it's loose anywhere or it has "bubbles" in it, you would be better off taking the old layer off first.If everything is O.K. then just sand down the old layer of "Formica" and give it a rough finish, then clean the dust off really well to allow the glue to bond to the new Formica. Then lay the new P-lam just like a normal install.Remember, your adding about an 1/8th inch height to the countertop, so keep that in mind.