
New member
I don't have many kitchen utensils, but they are just thrown into a large drawer that isn't very deep. It looks sloppy and disorganized. I could buy a nice utensil holder, but I prefer to keep my counters fairly clear. I have some candles and a few decorative accesories, but that is pretty much it. My kitchen is small and I relish what counter space I have. Any tips for keeping the drawer organized? Do they sell a utensil organizer for drawers? Any tips that you may use that work?
containers inside the drawers or smehing..go shopping inthe kitchen isle. hopefullyyy..you'll find something . be creativeee...
Start by keeping the drawer shut. That way it looks pretty good. In a reasonable kitchen, you should be asking about 5-6 shallow drawers and several deep ones, for example knives (avoid cutting when reaching for something else) hot handling tools (stirring spoons, spatulas tongs) near stove Hot pads, small hand blender. Bulky odd shaped, prep (measuring cups, strainers, whips, bisquit cutters) Mixer, toaster and breadbox on the counter.
I use a big vasethen if I get flowers my vase gets used for themand I move my utensils to a crock
Yes they do. Go to bedbathand beyond or linensandthings in your area or go on line. They have drawer organizers in wood and stainless steel. They are great. That is how I organized my utensil drawer and my stainless flatwear drawer. Everything stays neat and you can see what you have. Also, go through the drawer now and then and get rid of duplicate items and junk. Also I have a "junk drawer" but it is totally organized. Rulers, crazy glue, stick on paper, pens, pencils, just about every little what not in the world, but I know where to find it, and it is fairly organized with the section organizer I bought.