How do you have to do to get a child with autism to listen?

Precious B

New member
i really enjoyed this artical. it taught me a lot about how to handle children when they are still young. i realized that children need to be taught what "listening" is and you as a parent should not expect them to just "listen to you!" this artical also reflected what i have witnessed in the past. when adults get mad a little children, and expect them to pay more attention to them, and the child really does not understand what the adult is talking about and they genuienly do not know that they are not listening the right way. i also liked it because it gave some really good solutions to the problem that any parent could use. there were so many options that any family could find one that worked for them. i also enjoyed the solutions that the artical gave because they not only help the child, but they also help the parent with their listening skills. the solutions also provide time for the parent and child to spend quality time together that promotes development.


New member
I think they hear; they just don't let you know they are listening. I have seen them give memory accounts about all kinds of things and times when it did not seem like they were listening. Thus, its the reaction or respons to you that is lacking, but yes they hear. I imagine you are saying, you want him to respond to what you request or do. That is definitely an issue. I recovered mine via biomedical treatments, and did not do much at all in behavorioral modification techniques because I felt it would be too much work compared to ridding their pathogens and toxins instead. As they were treated, their symptoms started fading away. I then just treated them like what one treats children without autism, and they do well. They are currently still dependent upon diet and supplements, but can do regular school without modifications.