How long until Yaz birth control is effective against pregnancy?


New member
I began taking Yaz birth control a few weeks ago. According to the included pamphlet, it is safe to have unprotected sex 7 days after beginning the pill. I waited 11. Is the pill completely effective after a week for certain, or is there a chance of pregnancy?Thanks
There is always a chance of pregnancy - birth control pills are only 99% effective. I would consider yourself safe after the seven days, though.
Well first of all, 7 days was...ok. it means there is more then 50% chance of you being proteced. you might have wanted to waite at the very least, 2-3 weeks tho. Second, birth control is never l100% effective. I know a few women who have gotten preg while on it.
Most doctors will advise waiting until your second pack to have unprotected sex so that the hormones will be completely in your system.