How much is stem cell treatment for autism?


New member
How much does adult stem cell therapy cost? And where can i go to receive it? I have autism/Asperger's, and i am not really sure if adult stem cell therapy is able to treat Asperger's, even though it has been used to treat more severe forms of autism.
Yes it does exist. I would recommend joining some autism forums on biomed. You can find them at Yahoo Groups, then do a search. There is an adult with autism on the MB12Valtrex group. You might relate to him. Most members are parents learning about the latest methods to reverse autism symptoms. But, we all have the same goal -- recovery. They can help you learn more about stem cell treatment options. It helps some, but not others.
I think you need heavy metal chelation, which is a lot healthier and cheaper than stem cell therapy.Most (75%) of ASDs are mercury poisoned. Here's a group of adults who do low dose chelation: luck.
I contacted someone about the stem cell therapy but its done in another country and cost 30,000..way out of my league..I wanna say the company was Madera