If the MMR vaccine has never contained mercury, why is it called the autism vaccine?


New member
Is there something else in it that has been linked to autism? I heard something about vaccine-induced measles virus being found in the brain and intestines of a 9 year-old autistic boy.I only want answers from people who know why MMR is attributed to autism, not from people who deny it. That's not because I don't want to listen to reason. It's just that I know that side already and am just interested in why MMR is linked to autism when it never had thimerisol.


New member
The "link" is purely illusory. End of story.The attribution of causation, boils down to two factors. First, the MMR vaccine and the onset of autism typically occur at the same stage of development (i.e., early toddlerhood). Second, desperate parents NEED answers. The fact that the timing is similar led them to believe that one caused the other.Fortunately, it is only the timing that the two have in common. The timing of entry into daycare/preschool is also similar. Does this mean that entering preschool leads to the development of autism? Of course not.The moral of the story, is that correlation is NOT the same as causation. Not only is the perpetuation of this myth instilling unfounded fear on the part of some parents, it is actually leading some of them to engage in the dangerous behavior of refusing to vaccinate their children.


New member
I think that "link" is B.S. too and it's making way too many parents freak out about vaccinations in general. While I do think that there are probably too many vaccines out there (for example, I personally disagree with the chicken pox one), I think the MMR is a valid one. I have a personal theory that the reason so many kids develop crazy severe allergies these days (like the tons who are allergic to peanuts, etc) is due to parents being so freaked out about germs and stuff. Let them get sick once in a while, it builds up the immune system and will help later in life, ya know? But in summary, MMR = autism? Don't think so.

t a

New member
The posters above are just uninformed. They believe their Doctor's and the CDC. No crime in that. The problem is there is a MOUNTAIN of evidence that Vaccines in general are ineffective and dangerous, not just the MMR. There are a multiple number of toxic substances in Vaccines. Thermasol may or may not be the most destructive. The science is out on that. Neither the mainstream medical community or the government wants to fund investigatory studies. Imagine the liability! It would be in the trillions if vaccines are undeniably determined to Cause Autisms. Don't hold your breath waiting for the vaccine manufacturers to admit to anything. Most people that support the idea that MMR's cause autism believe it is either allergic reactions or toxic overload of an immature immune system. The straw that broke the camels back so to speak. Here's a couple links for you to check out.http://www.generationrescue.org/http://educate-yourself.org/vcd/howensteinwhyyoushouldavoidvaccines03feb07.shtmlhttp://www.909shot.com/