Why do people blatantly ignore clear scientific data that autism and vaccines are unrelated?


New member
It has been definitely proved that thiremesol does not cause autism and besides that it was removed from the vaccines anyway and the autism rate is still climbing. The reason why children display signs of autism after the vaccines is because that time is about the time where autism signs appear. There is no debate. Why do people continue to put their children in danger of illness on the basis of a disproven claim?


New member
Dr. Bernadine Healy, former head of the National Institutes of Health, says that the question of vaccines and autism has NOT been answered. She says that more, and different types or studies are needed, and that the government and scientific community does not want to do the necessary studies because they are afraid of what they would find. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/david-kirby/dr-bernadine-healy-dont-d_b_101421.htmlHere is information on Dr. Bernadine Healy from the National Library of Medicine's website. (i.e. she is not a quack). http://www.nlm.nih.gov/changingthefaceofmedicine/physicians/biography_145.htmlIt is a fallacious argument that autism rates continued to rise after mercury was removed from vaccines. That is because the latest statistics on autism, 1 in 110, are from kids born in 1998, which was BEFORE mercury *started* to be removed from vaccines in 2001. Mercury was never removed from flu vaccines, and in recent years, more and more babies and pregnant women have been getting flu vaccines with mercury, due to new recommendations by the federal government."Good Girl," I'm so sorry for the suffering vaccines have caused your family. Thank you for sharing your story. I am grateful for the people like you who helped me decide before my first pregnancy to never vaccinate my kids.You are right about mitochondrial disfunction. Autism is a proven risk of vaccinating kids with mitochondrial disfunction. Two percent!!!! of the population has mitochondrial disfunction, yet all babies are vaccinated without any testing. How is that sane?

Weise Ente

New member
Many reasons. It's a long story.The entire autism-vaccine connection can be traced back the a single paper by Andrew Wakefield where he found a correlation with autism in the MMR vaccine. Wakefield was recently found to have violated medical ethics in his study. He also had multiple conflicts of interest and likely falsified data. The other authors on the paper has long since retracted. Most importantly, his findings could not be replicated by anyone else.Despite their huge success, there have always been many opponents of vaccination. Usually from the alternative medicine crowd and germ theory denialists (they do seriously still exist). The FDA decided in the late 90's that it would be best to phase out thimerosal, just in case. These antivaxxers latched onto to this as an admission it caused problems. It became intertwined with the MMR-autism into a single cause.We don't really know what causes autism. This means we have no explanation to give to parents of autistic children. Some of them try to find a cause, any cause. Vaccines and thimerosal made a nice target. Their belief is based on emotion, so evidence won't change it easily.To make matters worse there has developed a rather large industry to "treat" autistic children with the assumption that mercury or other metals are the cause. These treatments are of course untested and dangerous and can involve chemical castration or industrial chelators. It is in the best interests of these charlatans to keep the connection alive.Due to the fact thimerosal was removed nearly a decade ago, it is losing its status as their bogey man. They've moved on to other targets. Aluminum is a favorite, but some seem to have learned their lesson and aren't making any solid claims. It's just "toxins" in vaccines. This is of course untestable, almost certainly by design.Note: I'm the only one providing scientific evidence. That should tell you the substance of the anti-vaxxer's claims. They cannot survive the scrutiny of the scientific method.
What "clear scientific data " is there? I've researched the topic thoroughly and there is no accurate proof for either side of the argument. Nothing has been disproven. Thermisol may have been removed from vaccines but it was replaced with other harmful preservatives. As of right now there is no unbiased data on the subject so it is still debatable.

Good Girl

New member
Ummmmm.....Google "Hannah Poling." It was "proven" in court that her autism was a direct result of a round of NINE vaccines given on one day. When Dr. Guberdine (former head of CDC) was interviewed on Larry King after the court ruling, she agreed that the vaccines DID in fact cause her autism (you can watch on youtube) but that it was because Hannah Poling had "mitochondrial dysfunction." She says that this is extremely "rare" yet there is not test for mito BEFORE giving shots to these kids. Does that make sense? We know that vaccines caused autism in Hannah Poling's case, we know that mito kids are NOT supposed to receive vaccines, yet we do NOT test kids for mito before starting the vaccine program on them. Make sense? I think not. My child has autism and blood tests proved last year at the age of FIVE that he does in fact have mitochondrial dysfunction. Oh, and by the way, my son suffered a reaction to the Hep B vaccine given on day 2 of life in which he turned beat red and sweat started to pour off of him. Nurses had to be called in and his immune system seemed to crash. And us parents are just supposed to just shut up and "eat shit politely" so we don't make anyone mad with our poor pathetic stories. No one asked for this life. We don't "get off" on this. Our children were hurt and we are pissed. You'll have to excuse me if I don't vaccinate my second child, which I didn't. The only "danger of illness" I am trying to protect him against is an auto-immune disease I call autism.