is fertility the same on birth control as off birth control?


New member
My boyfriend does not like using a condom while having sex. On the other hand, I am paranoid about having sex without a condom. My question is, to make both of us happy, is fertility the same while you are on birth control? Are my chances of getting pregnant low shortly after and shortly before my period? Can I make both of us happy by letting him not wear a condom during those times, and wearing a condom while I am most fertile?
If you are taking the contraceptive pill then your chances of pregnancy are pretty much zero. That is what it is for. To prevent pregnancy.If you are not using any form of birth control then you are most fertile 14 days BEFORE the start of your period.When you are on the contraceptive pill it completely stops your natural menstrual cycle. The week you bleed is not truly a 'period' as it is when you are on no birth control. It is just a withdrawl bleed, a reaction to the drop in hormones during your pill free week. You are still protected from pregnancy then though.If the only form of contraception you use is the condom then you should NEVER have sex without it unless you want to get pregnant.If you are on the birth control pill then you do not need to use a condom also at any time of the month as you are equally protected throughout from pregnancy. But you may want to keep on using it to prevent STDs which the pill cannot.
as soon as you stop using condoms, your chances of pregnancy AND sexually transmitted diseases sky rockets. If you stop using condoms, be prepared for an unexpected pregnancy. Timing sex for certain days that you think you are less fertile is highly inaccurate.