Lampery In Brewet (British)

Easy Recipe Finder

Recipe Feeder
Yield: 3 Servings


* 1 Good sized Lamprey or Eel
* 5 oz Butter
* 1/2 ts Ground Ginger
* 1/2 ts Cloves Salt and Pepper
* 3 fl White Whine
* 1 tb Mixed sweet Herbs


chopped Henery 1 (1100-1135) Leave the lamprey to soak for about 4 hours in salted water. Drain and wash well. Parcook in boiling salted water for 15 minutes (eel will take another 10 minutes or so). Drain allow to cool. Skin and cut into chunks about 3.5 cm (12 in) thick. Melt the butter in a heavy pan with the spices and seasoning and fry the lamprey for about 5 minutes on either side (eel will need a littlelonger). Add the wine and herbs to the pan and bring to the boil s****ing up all the panjuices. Adjust the seasoning. Serve the lamprey with the pan juices accompanied by hot white bread. This makes a delicious supper dish.