Easy Recipe Finder

Recipe Feeder
3 Oranges, Finely Chopped
3 Lemons, Finely Chopped
1 Sugar
1 Water

Measure chopped fruit and place in heavy saucepan. Measure equal amounts of water and pour into saucepan. Bring to boil. Lower heat and simmer 5 minutes. Remove from heat, cover, and let stand in a cool place for 24 hours. Again bring to a boil and cook over high heat 10 minutes. Remove from heat, cover, and let stand in a cool place for another 24 hours.

Measure out fruit mixture. Add equal amount of sugar. Again bring to a boil over medium heat. Cook, stirring constantly, another 15 minutes, or until mixture begins to gel. Remove from heat and immediately pour into hot sterilized jars. Vacuum seal.