
Use to make pies or tarts. Enough to make 4 pies.

1 cup ground beef or pork suet
6 cups peeled and cored chopped apples
1 cup apple juice
2 cups raisins
2 cups currants
2 cups cut candied citron
3 lemons, juice and grated rind
4 cups brown sugar, packed
1 cup granulated sugar
4 tsp. ground cinnamon
2 tsp. ground allspice
1 tsp. ground nutmeg
1/2 tsp. ground cloves
1 tbsp. brandy or rum flavoring, optional
Makes 8 cups
Combine first 13 ingredients in large saucepan.
Heat, stirring often until mixture comes to a simmer.
Simmer, stirring often, for 30 minutes.
Stir in brandy if desired.
Freeze in cartons or store in refrigerator for several months.