My baby s teeth are coming out. How do i get him to stop crying AAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!?

Rosmar D

New member
Mybaby s teeth are coming out. How do i get him to stop crying AAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!?

Mybaby s teeth are coming out. How do i get him to stop crying AAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!?

COLD wet washrag!! Let him play in the bath tub (distraction)
Mybaby s teeth are coming out. How do i get him to stop crying AAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!?

Try wetting a face cloth and putting it in the freezer for 20-30 minutes then letting him suck on it, but watch for signs of frostbite. It's hard, I know...going through it myself.
Mybaby s teeth are coming out. How do i get him to stop crying AAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!?

baby oragel (sp)it numbs the gums so the baby cant feel works!
Mybaby s teeth are coming out. How do i get him to stop crying AAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!?

My doctor told me to put a clean washcloth in the freezer and give that to him. It worked for my son. GL.
Mybaby s teeth are coming out. How do i get him to stop crying AAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!?

Try to give the baby ice water to drink.
Mybaby s teeth are coming out. How do i get him to stop crying AAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!?

Dip your finger in vodka and swish it around. I know it sounds white trash as all hell but my girlfriend is a Neonatal Intensive Care nurse and she and everyone she works with swears by this technique. Just don't do it more than two or three times a day.
Mybaby s teeth are coming out. How do i get him to stop crying AAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!?

Baby oregel and something cold to chew kids loved whole carrots.......they are cold and too hard for them to bite any pieces off.
Mybaby s teeth are coming out. How do i get him to stop crying AAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!?

You'v done all the right things so far. I know it's really hard to deal with your little one being in pain, but hang in there. He will live thru it and so will you. Just either cuddle him, or put him down and let him sleep it off. If the Tylenol hasn't kicked in yet, it will shortly. It takes about 20 minutes. Better to let him wear himself out and sleep....try and get some yourself it you can - it sounds like you need it!!!Good luck! I'm sure he will grow to be a beautiful boy with a great mouthful of teeth and a big love for his Mom!!!
Mybaby s teeth are coming out. How do i get him to stop crying AAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!?

try giving him chilled carrots cut in half. they are something cold to soothe the pain and somrthing to snack on!!! but thats only if he is old enoiuf to eat solids
Mybaby s teeth are coming out. How do i get him to stop crying AAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!?

After being fed, burped, bathed, played with, and as it looks you are medicating, not much.Just make sure you are medicating correctly by following the label for your childs' weight and age. Also by your physicians orders.Teething toys that are frozen are bad for the gums. Use only cold ones from fridge. The best way is to rub the gums with a clean finger. Many toys can cause damage to the gums. So be careful.Good Luck!