Need surgery to correct a fertility issue. How do I determine the cost associated with the surgery?

you need to ask the hospital for a price so that you can budget accordingly. They get those questions often and should be able to produce an estimate for you.
Get your IVF-invitro fertilisation treatment in India .IVF treatment and Laparoscopic surgery is very cheap in India.There is one company that is very famous in India that arranges all types of medical treatment andsurgery for foreigners in India.They are called the Forerunners Healthcare.I read a lot about them in the Newspapers and about their patient stories.I have also read that they arrange financing for american and canadian patients as some of the surgery including ivf treatment is not covered by insurance.They also have photos pasted of their International patients.You can checkout their website.The cost savings are incredible.As a doctor i personally believe that your IVF treatment can be easily handled in India as the quality of healthcare available here is simply best in the world.The doctors are USA/UK trained and facilities are 5 star.I recently also read about a chinese couple facilitated by forerunners healthcare were able to get their baby by IVF and a surrogate cousin and her husband got their IVF treatment in India through the forerunners healthcare in India and is all praise for this company.She is a known case of PCOS.She is a very happy mother of a baby boy now. She just paid 2500 pounds for the full treatment for which she was quoted 8000 pounds in private setup in UK.I strongly recommend this company to you as they can be of great help to you.hope this helps