Easy Recipe Finder

Recipe Feeder
1 cup butter (or margarine)
1 cup powdered sugar
1 egg yolk
1 teaspoon ground cardamom
2 cups chickpea flour (toasted recommended by another recipe but i
used regular)
rose water optional
Beat butter & powdered sugar together until creamy.
Add egg yolk & cardamom.
With your hands knead in the chickpea flour until smooth. (i used mixer)
Pinch off tiny pieces of dough about the size of hazelnuts and roll
them into balls between the palms of your hands.
Decorate the tops of the cookies by pricking them with the tines of a
fork or by pressing the back of the tines horizontally onto the
cookies. (can flatten slightly if you wanted for them to look better
later..you can also use cookie cutters here to make shapes, just
press down batter first)
Place on a lightly greased cookie sheet and bake in a slow oven
(300F) for about 30 minutes (i would check after 15 min). This dough
is very "short" and needs to be well kneeded. For an even "shorter"
dough, omit the egg yolk.