Easy Recipe Finder

Recipe Feeder
0.5 oz Frangelico
5.0 oz Grapefruit Juice
5.0 oz Orange Juice
1.5 oz Spiced Rum
1.5 oz Coconut Flavor Rum
0.5 oz Pineapple Juice

Pour the RED grapefruit juice in first, followed by the Spiced Rum
and the Coconut Rum. Next pour the orange juice, followed by the
frangelico, and top it off with the pineapple juice. If you do it right
this should create a bit of a layered effect. This is for serving only,
MIX before drinking. When making this drink for yourself it's up to
you how much RED grapefruit juice, Orange juice, and Pineapple
juice you use. Personally I prefer them in that order.