Easy Recipe Finder

Recipe Feeder
1 medium Chicken
2 Garlic Cloves, Peeled
1 Lemon, Juiced
2 tablespoon Oil
1 pound Potatoes, Scrubbed
1 pound Tomatoes, Cherry
1 teaspoon Basil
3 teaspoon Parsley, Fresh Chopped

Heat the oil in an oven proof casserole and brown the chicken on all sides. Chop the garlic and put into the casserole, pour on the lemon juice, put the lid on and bake for 40 minutes in a medium oven, 350f. Meanwhile, dice the potatoes into small pieces - about half an inch - and add to the casserole after 40 minutes. Continue to bake for another 30 minutes and check to make sure the chicken is thoroughly cooked. Add the basil and the cherry tomatoes, arranging them around the chicken, and cook for another five minutes until the tomatoes are just heated through. Sprinkle with chopped parsley and serve.