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fill With Iced Tea
12 oz. Butterscotch Schnapps

An excellent way to spike Iced Tea if you're not partial to Long
Island Iced Tea or don't want as much of a kick. Empty one of the
large Iced Teas (I suggest Nestea) and pour half of the other into
the empty bottle. Then pour the Butter Ripple Schnapps into each
of the Iced Teas. The resulting mixture is about 18 proof - much
like a cooler. Variations in the amount of Butter Ripple should be
tried as the idea is that the mixture should taste like Skittles
candy and my experience has shown that the approximate 1:1
ratio I use won't have the desired effect in inexperienced drinkers
- more Iced Tea and less Butter Ripple will fix this.