Easy Recipe Finder

Recipe Feeder
1 tb Fresh sage, fine chopped 1/2 ts Cayenne pepper
1 tb Fresh marjoram, fine 1 ts Crushed dried red pepper
-chopped 2 ts Salt
2 ts Fresh thyme leaves, chopped 1 c Dry red wine
2 ts Fresh rosemary, fine 5 lb Pork butt, coarsely ground
-chopped -1/4 to 1/3 fat
1/4 c Fresh parsley, chopped Nine feet or so of sausage
2 Cloves garlic, fine chopped -casings, soaked and cut in
2 ts Ground coriander -3 foot lengths
1 tb Black pepper
25 servings
1) Mix all ingredients in a large bowl and refrigerate covered over
night to let the flavors blend. 2) Prepare casings and stuff sausages in 3
to 4 inch lengths. 3) Hang the sausages for an hour or so in an airy, cool
place. They
will keep a few days refrigerated and loosely wrapped in butcher
paper or frozen for a couple of months.