What is Ultraviolent Radiation similar to?


New member
For my science fair project, I want to observe the carcinogenicity of UVr and for that I need a lab. I am contacting M.D. Anderson, but just in case they reject my project because of the radiation element, I want to be ready with an alternative. What other alternative would be able to produce similar results when it comes to testing the carcinogenicity of E. Coli strand recA?If we are not able to come up with an alternative, what is a disaster that affects the human body and I can test it on some microorganism?
Ionizing radiation is serious stuff and you need a proper license or some sort of company authorization to deal with it. Most schools will not allow the use of ionizing radiation emitting products in their labs. As for ultraviolet radiation, you may be able to buy a UV lamp but for your project, you'd have to ask permission.Instead, you might try mutagenicity with compounds that produce mutations but those are also pretty dangerous. I would confirm with the professor if it is ok to carry out such a risky experiment. Safety is always first. You can't undo a lost eye, a lost facial appearance, nor a lost life.