What type of doctor takes care of ectopic pregnancy? How long does the surgery take and recovery?


New member
Which doctor do you go to take care of an ectopic pregnancy? Gyncologist or regular doctor? What type of surgery is it? How long does surgery take? Is it in a hospital or somewhere else? How long does it take to recover? Is it impossible to get pregnant afterwards?
You should see the OB-Gyn for this condition before it ruptures the fallopian tube. Most of the time the surgery is done with a scope at a hospital or surgery center and you can go home the same day
My OBGYN dealt with my ectopic pregnancy. I was admitted to the hospital on a Friday night and discharged on a Sunday or Monday. They tried to go through my belly button but could not. I had to be cut like a C section. I recovered in about 4-6wks. My ectopic pregnancy happened in May and I got pregnant within 6mths.