Tips for organizing?


New member
I am trying to clean my apartment and am feeling very overwhelmed. I just feel like there isn't enough space to put everything we own. Not to mention we just received a lot of gifts from a household shower. Many we aren't going to open until we move because our kitchen is so small right now. Any advice would be great. How do you organize your things?Things like mail, little nicknaks, and such?

Britney S

New member
i would put your bigger problems first because those are your bigger priorities to organize,then put the things that you aren't really worried about aside until you are done organizing your bigger problems/things.

Britney S

New member
The first thing you need to do if you haven't already done so is to designate a spot for the gift. Now that you have done that, pick the spot that needs organizing the most. You may have to be selective and toss some things out. A general rule of thumb is if you haven't used it in the last year, pitch it or sell it. Mail needs to be divided into two piles-paid and unpaid. Junk mail gets tossed. I'm fortunate to have plenty of drawers and cabinets for nicknacks, but if you don't, find a box and store the ones you don't use often to use in your bigger kitchen. By the way, our house is smaller than previous homes, so I can't display my collection of Precious Moments. I have to rotate them from time to time. I only have three or four on display at the moment.Just try to stay on task and set a time limit. You'd be surprised how much you can get done in half an hour. And, LOL, actually instead of typing this message, I should be cleaning off my own kitchen table that is piled with mail!!! Good luck, I know this is a daunting and overwhelming task, but you can get it done.


Staff member
For tiny things I got this organizer in the tool & automotive section at Kmart--it's a plastic box with about 30 little clear drawers (you can get 'em with more or less drawers). It's fabulous! I have "small screws" medium screws""large screws""bolts""staples""springs""nails""washers""hose stuff""wire caps""wire""odd earrings""screwdrivers""allen wrenches," etc....HOWEVER, you really need to take the time to MAKE LABELS for the drawers.Matter of fact, I find it VERY IMPORTANT TO MAKE LABELS for everything. For files, boxes, bins, even areas in my basement are labeled so EVERYONE has a better idea of where something goes. Use bright paper so it's easier to spot the labels too.Helps you FIND stuff, or put new junk were it belongs!LABEL, LABEL, LABEL!!!


Staff member
I just saw a news program on the Today show last week about this. They said to store all out of season clothes and blankets, etc in those space bags that you vaccum the air out of. These then can be stored under the bed and you use the room in your closets for other items. They also suggested to add another shelf in the top of closets, there is usually a lot of wasted space there and to store the items use least from top to bottom. Hope this makes sense and helps.