Wacky Cake


New member
Pre-heat oven at 350*F.
Ungreased 9x9 cake cake.
Dry ingredients;
1 1/2 cups flour,
1 cup white sugar,
1/2 tsp. salt,
3 tbsps. cocoa,
1 tsp. baking soda.
Wet ingredients;
1 tsp. vanilla,
1 tbsp. vinegar,
6 tbsps. oil,
1 cup water.

Level all of the dry ingredients in an 9x9 cake pan.
Put 3 holes in dry ingedients.
Into first hole- pour 1 tsp. vanilla,
Into the second hole- pour 1 tbsp. vinegar,
Into third hole- pour 6 tbsps. oil.
Over all, pour evenly 1 cup of water.
Mix well with fork.
Bake at 350*F. for 25 to 30 minutes.