
  1. A

    Helpful Tips on Hydroponic Herb Gardens?

    I have been wanting a Hydroponic Herb Garden for the Kitchen like seen on T.V. but it is expensive. I have tried herb gardening from seeds and plants outdoors in Florida but they usually die out before I can get them to grow. The only thing I have now are two beautiful Rosemary bushes. Do you...
  2. Y

    recipe help steak and kidney pie?

    I have a friend visiting for the holidays that was her request for christmas dinner. any help with a "real" british recipe for steak and kidney pie would be great.
  3. V

    Your all time FAVORITE recipe?

    What is a recipe you use a lot? Or people always request and cannot get enough of? Please share :) Thanks!
  4. K

    Anybody got a good potluck recipe?

    We are having a potluck tommorow and I need to take a main dish. I would love it if you share with me your most popular or most requested recipe
  5. What are the best ways to guarantee no pregnancy from having sex?

    of course use condom and birth control pill. but what else eliminates pregnancy. i already know abstitence is the best for preventing pregnancy and STDS/AIDS.but if your not practicing abstitence, what ways you can eliminate pregnancy.
  6. W

    what vitamin that can increase my fertility and my sperm count?

    What vitamins that can increase my fertility and my sperm count?They said sperm cells contains protein, it is true?
  7. W

    How do I decrease my libido without decreasing fertility?

    I've been having some trouble with too much of an urge for sex and it affects my life and relationship. Even without an erection I sometimes get such a powerful urge to have sex. I'm hoping there's a way that I can decrease my libido whether with herbs ore just recommendations, but as I'm trying...
  8. Is Silicea Balsam safe to use externally during pregnancy and breastfeeding?

    A friend recommended I use Silicea Balsam to prevent stretch marks during my pregnancy, but I want to make sure it is safe to use. I will only be applying it externally (not doing internal dosing even though you can use it internally as well). There is not a lot of info out there on the safety...
  9. W

    What herbs and/or foods can a woman consume to maximize fertility?

    I've heard yams (in large quantities) can increase fertility. Perhaps this is an ancient African "old wives tale". What suggestions do you all have?
  10. C

    I am 47 & starting over. Need Tips?

    I'm disabled by arthritis, so my work around the place is harder than when I lived alone younger. I worked at least 45 hrs. a week back then and was a better housekeeper and shopper than now. Things keep getting tougher. Any household tips or shortcuts will be appreciated. I'm asking you guys...
  11. What herbs are easy to grow?

    I Have got a balcony that I plan on producing herbs with. I possess a couple ceramic pots and am rummaging for a couple of more. I do cook a bit and plan to grow chives, cilantro and basil unquestionably. Does anybody have some hints for growing herbs or whatever tips for other herbs that I...
  12. C

    Any basil plant advice for me?

    I have been growing a few basil plants in a pot over the summer and have now pulled them inside due to chilly weather. All along they have been kind of yellow-ish green, and quite rangy--not like the basil plants that I've seen in other places.Are there any tips for proper care (and snipping)...
  13. S

    How to make a mini herb garden?

    I really like to use fresh herbs when i cook so i like to have an herb garden. I don't have a green thumb and usually end up killing my plants/forgetting about them/smashing them etc. I would like to have one in my kitchen where i could take a little better care of it and use it easier. Does...
  14. F

    how to grow and maintain herbs on a window sill garden?

    live in a flat where only sunny window sill also share space with numerous pigeons. but i love to cook with fresh herbs, like oregano, thyme, rosemary, coriander, parsley, etc. can anyone give me tips on how to do this on a window sill garden? is it really bad if they get the occassional pigeon...
  15. D

    What grows best in a herb garden?

    I am just starting to plant my garden. I decided to do a small herb garden. I would like some examples of herbs that are pretty easy to grow and that taste great. I cook alot with oregano, basil, rosemary, and parsley. Have any tips or any other suggestions for a great garden? Thanks.
  16. U

    Can I start my own mini-vegetable garden in a 12' X 5' space in front of my house? If so how should I start?

    I have a nice space in front of my house that I would like to start planting vegetables and herbs in that I can use for cooking. I have never worked in or grown a garden before so I was wondering if some experienced gardeners can help me by giving me some tips on how to start....Thanx!
  17. E

    Pot Roast with Roasted Vegetables

    This recipe of pot roast is full of flavor from the delicious crust. Ingredients: * 1 (2-4 pound) boneless beef roast. Get the amount you think will feed your family. You can also save left overs for a delicious paleo lunch. * Fresh garlic, around 5 cloves. Crush them with the side of your...
  18. E

    Herbed Pork Chops w/Rice

    4 thick center cut pork chops ground marjoram dried leaf thyme salt and pepper 1/2 cup uncooked rice 1 10.5 ounce can condensed chicken broth, undiluted 1/2 bell pepper, sliced 1/2 tomato, sliced 1/2 medium onion, sliced Sprinkle pork chops with marjoram, thyme, salt and pepper to...
  19. E

    "Canada Day" Vegetable Lasagna

    Zucchini & black olives provide another "interesting variation" on the standard lasagna flavor. This recipe can be frozen with no loss of flavor! 2 tablespoon oil 1 large clove garlic, minced 1 large onion, chopped 1 green pepper, chopped 2 stalks celery, chopped 1/2 teaspoon oregano 1/2...
  20. E

    Cheesy Herb Bread

    1/2 cup softened butter or margarine 1 envelope Good Seasons Cheese Garlic Mix or Garlic and Herb Mix 1 1/2 cups shredded low moisture part skim Mozzarella cheese 1 loaf French bread, cut in 1/2 lengthwise Mix butter, dressing mix and cheese until well blended. Spread on cut surfaces of bread...