Basic Rules of Pressure Cooking

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Basic Rules of Pressure Cooking

1. Look for the light! That's the first rule of pressure cooking, making sure the pinhole of light is visible through the vent pipe. Hold the lid up to the light and if you aren't seeing any brightness, poke the pipe with a toothpick or wire until you do.

2. Don't fill the cooker more than 2/3 full for most foods, 1/2 full for foaming foods like beans, grains, pasta, or rice.

3. Set a timer. When cooking under pressure, set the timer when your cooker reaches full pressure. Then turn off the heat when the timer goes off. Because food continues to cook while the pressure releases, timing is adjusted accordingly.

4. Release the pressure. When a recipe calls for a quick-release of pressure, follow the manufacturer's instructions to bring the pressure of the cooker down rapidly so that food isn't overcooked. Some cookers have a pressure-switch, which makes this convenient. However, running cold water over models without a switch, quickly reduces pressure in 30-60 seconds. When a recipe instructs you to release pressure naturally, leave the pot alone until the pressure is completely gone, and then remove the lid to check for doneness.

5. Don't attempt to remove the lid until all the pressure is gone! Self-explanatory.