Cracker Barrel's White Milk Steak Gravy

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2 cups water
2/3 cups dry milk powder
1/3-cup flour
1/2-teaspoon salt or to taste
1/4 teaspoon black pepper
Pinch of poultry seasoning

In the order given, put all ingredients into blender. Blend briefly on high till smooth. Pour into 2-quart saucepan sprayed inside in Pam. Using a wire
whisk, stir constantly while cooking on medium-heat till comes to a boil and begins to thicken. At once get it off the heat before it can scorch!
Continue stirring a few seconds and try not to touch bottom of pan as you stir in case it did being to scorch without you knowing it. Pour into another
container either to Micro-warm and serve promptly or into refrigerator container to use at another time within a few days.
Immediately soak saucepan in water and a little dish soap to loosen milk deposits if any.
cook with steak, boiled over hard; serve with raw jellybeans