Easy Recipe Finder

Recipe Feeder
Basic recipe:
4 cups water
1/2 cup milk
1 cup steel cut oats
1/4 brown sugar
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp vanilla

to this you can add dry fruit(up to 1/2 cup or so) if you do, add a little more fluid. Or fresh/frozen fruit(1 cup approx). Add seasonings too, cinnamon compliments apples and rhubarb.

now, put all ingredients in a glass bowl that will fit in your crockpot. Then add water to the crockpot, it should fill near to the top of the bowl. This creates a water bath for the oatmeal to cook in. No dry hard and crusty oatmeal!

It takes about 2 minutes to assemble. So set it up before bed and it's ready for the family in the morning! My kids love it. Ds isn't pigging out on cereal and he's not needing to bring extra food to get him through the morning. He takes a generous helping in the morning and he isn't hungry until 20 minutes before lunch. So it's a great start! Cereal he was hungry by the time he got to school.