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2 tablespoon Butter
1 tablespoon Vegetable Oil
4 Chicken Breasts, Skinless, Boneless
¾ cup White Wine
2 teaspoon Dijon Mustard
1 tablespoon Tarragon, Fresh Chopped
½ teaspoon Seasoning, To Taste
¾ cup Cream

In a large frying pan, melt butter in oil over medium high heat. Add chicken breasts and cook, turning once, until lightly browned, 4 minutes a side. Remove and set aside. Add wine to the pan. Bring to a boil, scraping up bits from bottom of pan with a wooden spoon. Stir in mustard, tarragon, salt and pepper to taste. Whisk in cream and boil until mixture thickens slightly, 3 minutes.

Return chicken to pan; turn in sauces to coat and simmer 7-1/2 minutes until chicken is tender. Remove chicken to a serving platter, spoon sauce over it.