Easy Recipe Finder

Recipe Feeder
1 Part Blue Curacao
1 Part Sambuca
1 Part Green Chartreuse

Place a short rock (wide mouthed spirit glass) on bar. Pour the
blue curacao, white sambuca and chartreuse into a brandy balloon
(snifter). Place the brandy balloon horizontally, balancing on the
mouth of the short rock. -- Ignite the alcohol in the brandy
balloon. Rotate the brandy balloon (like a cement mixer). Pour
mixture from brandy balloon to short rock while it is alight. The
stream of alcohol falling between the glasses should form a
waterfall of fire cascading into the short rock. (I am a poet also)
Use the upside down brandy balloon to suffocate the drink in the
short rock. Be sure the flames are out. -- Remove the brandy
balloon and inhale the fumes. Shoot the drink. -- Hold on to the
bar very tightly!