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i remember seeing this old book my mom had it looked like it was from the 70's or so, but i cant find it, and i searched for questions on here and people responded with your question is too vague. anyway, this book was packed with household tips and hints for just about anythingso can you name any household hints that would be good to know?here is one,shut the shower curtains when finished using the shower to keep soap scum and other type of muck build up, so the air doesnt get in as much.whats some of yours?
The book you are thinking of is probably a "Hints from Heloise" book. A good tip that I am aware of is using white vinegar to remove the smell of cigarette smoke. Soak a towel in the vinegar, wave it around, and the cigarette smoke smell in a room will disappear.
Leave the lid of your washing machine open after using, to prevent mold and mildew from building up. Cover the top of your refrigerator with saran wrap (or something like it) so that when it comes time to clean up there, all you have to do is lift it off and throw it away. If you run out of fabric softener, adding a couple towels to the wash will help cut down static in the dryer. Apply a light spray of furniture polish to your ceiling fan blades (especially the upper side) and it will help repel dust and grime. Dryer sheets in luggage and suitcases keep them smelling fresh when not being used. A solution of bleach and water in a spray bottle works just as well on mold in the shower or tub as those expensive store-bought products. And don't throw away a moldy shower curtain liner...just throw it in the washer with hot soapy water and some bleach! Toothbrushes need to be stored in the medicine cabinet and not out on the counter (not as convenient, but away from all kinds of germs). You can use brown eye or brow pencils to fill in scratches on furniture, depending on the shade you need. Those big bottles of body wash (from the Dollar store or Walmart) work just as well in your liguid hand soap dispensers as Soft Soap, ect. And all that hair conditioner we always seem to have left over works great when shaving your legs! Hope this helps some...and I'm looking forward to reading other people's ideas. Have a great day!
Baking Soda, Salt and Vinegar are great to unplug a drain. pour down a box of Baking soda, 1 cup of salt into the drain first, then add 2 cups of Vinegar and watch her go.
If you developed a small crack in your windshiel, stop it cold with some clear nail polish. Working in the shade, brush the crack on both sides with polish to fill it well.Move the car into the sun so the windsheild can dry. You will eventually need to repair oyr windshield, but this will give you time to shop around for the best estimate.
I think Martha Stewart has a book called, "Good Things," that has lots of useful tips, that would work in the 50's as well as today.Good Luck !!
was it "helpful hints from heloise"? or household hints from heloise.anyway her name was heloise.
Your mother's book could have been one by Erma Bombeck she wrote cookbooks. However, there were household hints for doing just about anything. She had 1001 uses for vinegar! Including taking that soap scum and other muck off your shower.