How can I help children with Autism by contributing to the Forever Story?


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Here is the info given on the website:On the 30th of June, 2008 Nick Hornby wrote:“For the first nineteen years of his life, Johnny Razor wasn’t Johnny Razor at all. He was Malcolm Weatherly, and he was born in Mile End Underground station on the night of 17th September 1940.” These are the opening 35 words of The Forever Story. It is a concept which encourages people to contribute to the world’s longest collectively-written story. The more people who join in, the longer the story will be, and the more money will be raised for children who find it hard to join in; children with Autism. For every single contribution to the story via the website, £1 will be donated to Treehouse. We want to reach our donation target of £50,000 and to do that we’d like people to have the opportunity to write alongside some of the world’s most well-known and respected writers. If you would like to join The Forever Story to help write the longest ever story and do no-end of good, go to: Listen to the Forever Story podcast via iTunes or from the following link: