Lilmizz B

New member
I had VERY bad chickenpox when i was young (about 3) and went to hospital since then i have been left with lots of scars from it - i have known people with one or two scars but no-one like me.Is there anyone outthere who is like me?And is there an effective way of getting rid of them?Thanks in advanceBabyx
Of course there are other people out there like you with bad chicken pox scars. But unfortunately, there is really no way to get rid of them, short of plastic surgery. They are made up of scar tissue, just like any other scar you might have. The difference is that instead of being raised like most scars, they are actually a little bit concave, so products that reduce the raised appearance like silicon would not be effective. Sorry.
this products will help you: have ice pick scars acne, and my gf bought Bio Oil yesterday and she told me it good for scars, face scars and **Chickenpox Scar**. So hopefully it will help clear my ice picks scars too. Hope this helps?
My mother had quite bad chicken-pox as a child. She used coconut oil for a very long time, which gradually began to get rid of the scars. You can also buy these small lamps (sorry don't know what they're called!) that look somewhat like blow-dryers. You shine the lamp on your skin (you can also get it done when you go for a facial) and after weeks of this the scars disappear. You can also go for acupuncture, which is painful but very effective. good luck!
•You can use plain yogurt to help fade scars. Apply it to your face twice daily. It will moisturize your face, purify it and your skin will heal much faster.•Use lemon on scars daily, but use moisturizer before going to bed as the lemon may cause dry skin.•Aloe-vera often helps. If you rub the gooey inside of an aloe-vera plant on the affected area, you will see results in a matter of days. Do it once or twice a day, and simply leave it on.