How to get rid of chickenpox scar?


New member
I am getting a chickenpox scar and I want to removed it but my doctor said that I can't remove it. Anybody got any idea how can I remove it? I want to marry I don't want to be a SPINSTER. HELP!!!!
I used Mederma for mine. It worked alright, but it runs about $30-$35 and it's sticky and it kind of reflects light off your skin. Not cool. I've heard that PreferOn works wonders, and it's about half the price of Mederma.
I am in the same boat you are in. I am 24 and had chicken pox a little over a week ago. I purchased mederma cream with SPF 15 for $18.00 at our local Wal-Mart and put my second application on earlier this morning. There is no smell and so far all I can tell you is it went on pretty smooth. It won't hurt to try!