Idli Karapu Podi


Staff member
4 dry red chilies
1/4 cup bengal gram (senaga pappu)
1/4 cup black gram
4 tablespoons sesame seeds
1 small piece asafoetida
2 teaspoons oil
2 tablespoons split red gram (arhar dal in Hindi, kandipappu in Telugu)
Salt, to taste
Preparation Time: 1 hour
1. Heat oil in a skillet on medium and when oil is hot add red chili and asafoetida. Fry for two minutes or until the color of red chili changes to maroonish black. Remove from heat.

2. Remove red chili and asafoetida from the above skillet and keep in a separate dish. Now to the remaining oil in the skillet add all the rest of the ingredients except sesame seeds and fry on medium heat until the color of Bengal gram changes to reddish shade. Now add sesame seeds and when they begin to pop, remove skillet from heat and let cool.

3. Powder the contents of the above skillet along with red chili and asafoetida. The powder should have the consistency of coarse semolina.

Ready to Eat: Immediately

The above powder is mixed with sesame seed oil and hot idlis are coated on both sides with this mixture.

55 minutes

Notes: Goes well with idli and dosa.
Stays up to two months if kept away from water.

Cuisine: Indian
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