Is there any disability other than autism or aspergers with one symtom being lack of eye contact?

Jane Ryerson

New member
One of my friends doesn't look at me very much when we talk. She may glance at me for about one second then shift her eyes to the corner of the room. But other than this she is very sociable. She has lots of friends. Is there something she may have that is not on the autism spectrum that causes lack of eye contact?


New member
There needs to be more specifics. Does she make eye contact with anyone else? Does she ever make eye contact with you? If so, when?This sounds to me like some sort of anxiety issue. It could be anything from Social Anxiety Disorder to maybe she is hiding something from you.


New member
if thats the only difference in her,that is not a disorder,no one shoud ever be labelled with a disorder just for avoiding eye contact.many people do not like doing it,the main reason that people on the spectrum do not like eye contact is because it triggers a accute fight or flight reaction [overeactive stress chemicals],it differs in people with developed conditions like social anxiety disorder,with SAD their eye contact problem is based on the anxiety.have read of many people,including those on the spectrum and non autistic,say the reason they dont like eye contact is because it distracts them from what they are trying to say and think,and others [mostly on the spectrum or with other sensory disorders] say they are unable to think at all and lose all their other senses when having to do eye contact [sensory jumbling].remember though,she is a friend-just support her where she needs it,but she doesnt need her eye contact medicalising,people are only diagnosed with disorders when it 'significantly impairs' some/all part of their life.