Easy Recipe Finder

Recipe Feeder

2 onion (pyaj) cut
1/2 kg mushrooms (goochi)
1 tsp garlic paste
salt (namak) to taste
1 tomato (tamatar) cut
1/2 tsp red chilli (lal mirch) powder
3 tblsp oil
1/2 tsp garam masala
1 tblsp fresh corriander, cut
1/2 tsp turmeric (haldi) powder

1. Cut mushrooms in slices.
2. Heat oil and fry onions until golden brown in colour.
3. Add garlic paste and cut tomatoes.
4. Put chilli powder, turmeric, garam masala and salt.
5. Saute for 3-4 minutes or until it starts leaving oil.
6. Add mushrooms and mix well.
7. Simmer and stir fry till mushrooms are tender.
8. Add very little water, if necessary.
9. Serve decorated with coriander.